Light ... of My Life

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hate myself... totally...


{10:02 PM}
Monday, March 23, 2009
Never felt so dead for maths before. Paper wasn't difficult. Just can't do it for some reason.


{9:07 PM}
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What the hell is wrong with my com man! First it was the old problem of intermittent crashes. Then after it managed to start up I CAN'T SIGN INTO MSN!!!!! -.-!!!!!!


okay... everything looks fine now... though it freaking took me almost the whole morning -.-

{1:22 PM}
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hols haven't been really productive these few days. Basically I can sum up whatever I did in 3 words - eat, sleep, play. =P I think my dota skills are like crap now. Can't even win AI -.-!! And I seriously respect those people who actually have the patience to do all the super-duper-long notes on Facebook. I took so freaking long to do just ONE tagged by dino. LOL!

Friendly with Hilda's B Div was quite good. They are really strong for a B Div team. And it was damn dramatic today. Mel totally got knocked on the ground and just lay there motionless. Totally reminded me of myself 4 years ago. DAMN SCARY PLEASE OMG~! ><

I seriously don't want to lose this chance. Such a rare opportunity to have such a great team together and it feels as though I'm looking at this chance slip away from me bit by bit. Com'on boy please recover in time for the nationals!!!! ><

Training tomorrow and I guess it's time for me to start mugging. Haha.

{9:22 PM}
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Finally the first phase of blocks test is over! 4 papers down! Out of which 2 are confirmed to be dead. One hoping to at least pass. The other was quite good. Haha. Brain totally fried from the 5 hours of mugging in school yesterday. =/

2 more papers to go! Or 3 for history students who only needed to mug for 1 paper in the past week! =P Muahahaha physics people's turn to laugh! LOL! Just kidding! =P

Good thing is that all the mugging-intensive subjects are down! =D

{10:56 PM}
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I have been increasingly getting online at weird timings these days but can't help it when there are just so many things to do. =(

Supposed to wake up at 2am! But apparently I'm not able to do so and ended up waking up at 4am. Zzz... Econs + H2 Phy + H3 Phy consecutively = DIEEEEEE! >.< Please don't let me flop so badly. =/

Ok... I'm just getting really bored and tired and ranting here. Back to work!

you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you...

{4:56 AM}
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hoho! Rise and shine people! Though the sky looks really gloomy now =/ Weather sux these days. Slept too early e.g. 7pm yesterday thus explaining this weird timing of me blogging now. xP

It's like 6 more days to blocks! Haven't started on anything though. =X Luckily today no training but it isn't going to make much of a difference since my parents wants us to go to my grandma's place later in the afternoon. But coming to think of it, it has been some time ever since the last time I swam (as in really swim, so it excludes all the party dunks into the pool haha)

For now I guess I'm just stoning and slacking and waiting for breakfast. Too early in the morning to start mugging. Haha! =P

Jiayou for blocks people!!

"Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or work, all you have to do is change your mind."

{8:32 AM}
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Am totally feeling like shit now. -.- Have been having a terrible headache and a little fever since Sunday after Fac CIP. And I had to teleport twice today at 1430 from HC to NJ for lab and at 1700 from NJ back to HC for training. Totally regretted going for training. Zzz...

Wonder how I do my physics SPA with my current condition... -.- And I still owe Luther present! Oops! =P

Okay... Can't tahan anymore... Need some sleep. Lights out!

Sometimes the ultimate enemy that you need to overcome is no one else but yourself...

{10:23 PM}

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